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Thursday, 9 April 2015

Mini beauty blender review

I've had the regular beauty blender for a while now and when I saw the mini version I knew I had to have it. I picked them up at Sephora for $17.95 for a pack of two

I love the full size beauty blender for applying foundation and got the mini version to use with concealer. I know some people use the regular beauty blender for this but I've always found it
too big to get into the corners when I'm applying under eye concealer. The mini version is a lot smaller as you can see from this pic (the sponges are dry in this pic)

The mini blender does expand in size when it's wet but it's still small enough to get into corners and around your nose etc. Here is the difference in size between wet and dry

I currently use the makeup forever full coverage concealer and I've been really impressed with how well it works with the mini blender. I dot the concealer under my eyes with my finger and then dab the beauty blender over the top - don't ever rub, just keep dabbing! It blends the concealer really evenly and is so much quicker than using your fingers or a brush. You need to make sure the sponge is damp to get the full effect and it helps to stop the sponge absorbing the product and wasting any.

$17.95 might seem a little pricey for something so small but as long as you wash them regularly and be careful how you handle them so they don't tear and get damaged then they should last a long time. I also picked up the solid beauty blender cleanser which helps to keep them in good condition. You can buy them here.

Have you tried the mini beauty blender? Let me know in the comments below.


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  4. Wonderful, Keep it Up. Visit here as well to learn more about best portable blenders
